I know how you feel. Moving is stressful. Listing your house is stressful. Knowing what the right thing to do is hard.
When we listed our house in another city 6 years ago I was nearly finished the educational program to become a real estate representative. I can tell you from my own experience as a client the importance of listening to the sales rep that you have hired to list your property. True, you know your property better than anyone and you like it as well. But, your sales rep knows real estate, the market conditions and the process better than you. I was about to find out.
First of all, after calling to set up the listing appointment that evening we were called right back by the rep to say that another rep had a client who was looking for just what we had and would we allow them to come through that afternoon with their rep. No problem. Glad to know that we had a desirable property. In fact so desirable they called during the listing meeting to see what the price was and they were working on an offer. No wonder I thought that I knew what I was doing!
When our representative talked about the price he said that he thought our house would sell for $275,000. I didn’t think that was enough. I had not done any comparables with listings or solds but I just had this feeling that the price should be $299,900. Our agent listed at $299,900 and told the other agent on the phone that evening and she said that she would be over with the offer shortly.
The offer was for $285,000. I was thrilled. However, the closing date was much sooner than what we wanted. Due to circumstances with our family we could not accommodate that early closing and no solutions were viable. The offer died.
That was the first week of March. Our next offer was presented the first week of September. It was a long summer, keeping the house presentable and accommodating showings with short notice as well as having open houses. The offer was conditional upon the sale of the buyer’s property and was accepted. Two days later another offer came. It was better than the first offer with dollars and closing times but the first offer had 48 hours to remove conditions. And it did. Their house sold in 1 day. The selling price for our house was $275,000.
What did I learn? I learned that the professionals have reasons for what they say and do. Listen to what they advise. I also learned that being flexible was a necessary part of making a deal. I now know that we could have accommodated the time line with a little more imagination and looked after family business at the same time. I also learned that the picture can change in a matter of minutes and that it can change again. The 2 offers within 2 days after 6 months on the market proved that.
The move was completed and everything has long settled. But, I remember. I know how you feel. Moving is stressful and listing your house is stressful. But, getting it right with the help of your sales rep is crucial to the fastest and best resolution to selling what you own and love.
-Jane Ross
sales representative
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