While babysitting my two year old niece she would periodically shout out, “what’s gonna work? TEAMWORK” a cheer she learned from one of her books. As I started to think about what this young, inexperienced infant was yelling, I couldn’t help but realize she was right and on so many levels. Now let me explain how this relates to real estate for those who may be confused.
I am about to embark on my new career as a real estate agent. I am young, not as experienced as some agents out there, but one thing I have that many don’t is what my two year old niece was shouting at the top of her lungs, teamwork! I am going into partnership with my parents, Jane and John Ross, sales representatives from the Bowes and Cocks Brokerage in Peterborough, Ontario. They have been a successful duo for the past six years, growing their business each year. Not only are they excited that I am coming on board because I am their daughter, but lets face it, three brains are better than one. With their expertise, contacts, good reputation and my fresh ideas and knowledge of the fast paced technological world we are situated in, I know that our team is going to work.
-Ashley Ross, sales representative